Trademark monitoring services offer global reach by tracking trademarks across different countries and regions through automated searches, database monitoring, and legal expertise. They also provide customized reports, competitive intelligence, and image recognition technology to identify infringement and potential conflicts with existing registered trademarks.
Brand monitoring tailored for a specific location involves conducting localized searches to ensure effective brand monitoring. This includes monitoring similar brand portfolios to prevent confusion among consumers. Additionally, brand monitoring services provide visualized results such as insights, charts, graphs, and maps to easily understand and identify patterns or trends in the data.
Domain monitoring services provide real-time monitoring and up-to-date information on a domain's availability, expiration date, and whether it is for sale. Additionally, logo similarity checker services help companies protect their brand identity and trademark by identifying cases of potential logo infringement and unintentional logo infringement.
Monitoring social media for trademark and brand owners requires real-time monitoring of various social media platforms and logo/image pattern comparison to ensure the protection of a company's trademark and brand identity. Social media platform-specific monitoring, legal expertise, and customized reports are also provided by social media monitoring services.
Marketplace monitoring services track eCommerce marketplaces such as Alibaba, eBay, and Amazon, analyze product listings for potential trademark and brand infringement, and use advanced algorithms to detect the presence of brands and trademarks in eCommerce product listings. Additionally, they alert trademark and brand owners if any product listing is found to be infringing on their trademark or brand and help them submit takedown requests to the relevant eCommerce platform for infringing product listings.
Monitoring services can include the monitoring of figurative trademarks and patterns of logos in domains, mobile apps, ecommerce seller accounts, and social media business accounts. These services are important for protecting a company's brand identity and trademark, detecting potential infringement, and taking appropriate legal action.
Brand performance analysis services provide in-depth analysis and expert interpretation of brand performance metrics using real-time tracking, advanced data visualization tools, customizable reporting options, benchmarking against industry standards, and identification of key drivers of success to provide expert recommendations for brand strategy and growth.
Mobile application monitoring services track mobile applications on app stores, analyze logos, titles, and other identifying features for similarities to figurative images of trademarks and brands, and use advanced image and text recognition technology for logo and title detection. Additionally, they alert trademark and brand owners of any mobile application containing a confusingly similar logo or title and provide customized reports.
12 Areas to Cover Your Intellectual Property