Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most important answers to the service

What can I do, if I use Worldwide-Trademarks and find out that somebody is violating my rights ?

Worldwide-Trademarks keeps you posted on who is using your brand. Of course not every use of your brand by third parties violates the law. If you believe your rights may have been violated, however, our partner attorneys are always available to enforce your claims.

Is it possible to have more than one search term (one trademark) monitored ?

Yes, of course! You may use all your trademarks as well as the trademarks of your competitors as search terms or include any other search terms.

Is there an app as well ?

Yes, for both Android and iOS mobile platform. In compare with web, mobile app has some limits. We are still working to improve our app from features as well as user interface perspective.

Where have you found my contact details ?

We primarily use public trademark owner directories to contact potential customers. If we have contacted you, it is more than likely that we have used such directories to find your contact details. You can anytime request to remove data related to your brand. Please send an email with request to [email protected]

How can I control/keep track of your monitoring service ?

Open your personal account and look up the results of your monitoring subscription any time. In addition, you may choose to either receive a weekly or monthly report or look up the results yourself.

What services are included exactly ?

These are all services included in your subscription:
  • Monitoring of Trademarks and figurative trademark patterns
  • Monitoring of Brands
  • Monitoring of logos
  • Monitoring of eCommerce platform
    (Amazon & Ebay platform specificaly)
  • Monitoring of Mobile App platforms
    (Android & iOS platform specificaly)
  • Monitoring of Social Media platform
    (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter platform specificaly)

Is it possible to subscribe to only one of these services?

No, we only provide entire package but you can skip any not relevant for you.

How often do I have to pay ?

You only pay once. There is nothing else to pay.

When does the service expire ?

The service automatically expires after five years.

How can I unsubscribe from my service ?

You may unsubscribe from getting anymore emails on your personal settings website. Please simply opt out receiving our information on trademark rights as well as reports.

What is this “report” ?

Your personal report tells you at a regular basis which new trademark similarities, domain similarities, similar ecommerce items, similar mobile apps, similar social media accounts our system has found. Therefore, you are always up to date on new potential rights violations.

What is included in the report ?

The report includes all trademark similarities, domain similarities, similar ecommerce items, similar mobile apps, similar social media accounts our system has found in the course of the last week/month.

How often do I receive a report ?

As often as you wish: weekly or monthly.

What is the difference between “monitoring” and “report” ?

On our website, your personal account is primarily comprised of the two areas “monitoring” and “report”. “Monitoring” displays ALL information related to your search term we have ever found. In contrast, “report” only includes the LATEST information of the last week or month

The report does not show any similarities. Did something go wrong ?

No, this is actually great news: you can be sure that nobody has registered a similar brand, used your trademark as label for eCommerce product and as label for app name, used trademark name for their social media business accounts or registered a domain.

Do you share my customer data with anyone ?

No! Your customer data are stored in our highly protected system. Passwords are only stored as salted encrypted hashes and cannot be decoded based on the current state of technology.

Do you send me any promotion/spam ?

No, we only send the reports you have asked for.

How safe is my data ?

Your data is stored in our cutting-edge datacenter with state-of-the-art protection against both online and offline attacks.

Can I be certain that nobody else sees my monitoring results ?

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I forgot my password. What can I do ?

1. Go to our website and click “login”.
2. Click on “forgot password?”
3. Enter your email address and click on “reset password”.
4. You receive an email to reset your password.

How can I change my password/email address ?

Log into your personal account and click on the settings wheel to change your email address and password.

Monitored Platforms

12 Areas to Cover Your Intellectual Property

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